Monday, May 28, 2012

Just throwing this out there...

Since we were preparing for the beach, and then enjoying the beach, for the last week I haven't had much time to work on anything crochet. But, now that we're back, and I'm about to get braces and will have an aching mouth, I'm back in action! I wanted to let anyone and everyone know that I'm always, always looking for a challenge, and if there's anything that you think you might like made, I can give it a go!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Itsy bitsy..clutch? Maybe?

I can't decide what in the world to name this little cutie, but here it is!

I thought about adding a flap top--and maybe even a button, but you know what? I like it just like this!

Price: $15.00

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The waves crashing, the sun shine, and the beach necessities need-a stashing!

It's summertime, yay! I've been looking forward to the summer since, well, last summer. But this one is a big deal! I'm going to Gulf Shores, AL in just under two weeks. Oh, that's not that important, but what is important is the trip to the US VIRGIN ISLANDS

When I started thinking about it, I realized my old American Eagle "beach bag" that is crumbling to nothingness with every trip. Then it hit me, a crocheted beach tote would be perfect! I can easily throw it in the wash once we get back, and it's light weight, so I don't have to worry about the bag weighing me down. So, here it is!

The best part about this bag is that if the strap is too long, and you don't want it thrown across your body like some sort of weird body armor, the strap can be knotted and you can just throw it over your shoulder!

Price: $25 (for those within the Opelousas/Lafayette, LA area)
         $20+shipping for those that must have it shipped to them


Okay. You'll just have to deal with pictures that come out sort of at odd angles until I can figure out  better way to display headbands to the masses.

These are simple, yet adorable, headbands. They can be adjusted in size for nearly anyone, and the ribbon makes it so easy to adjust even more to your particular shape.

Price: $4.50 for first--$2.50/ea for additional

Also, if anyone is interested in purchasing the pattern, just let me know! It's an incredibly easy pattern that I came up with in less than an hour. It can easily be done by a beginner crocheter that has ribbon and a hot glue gun handy. 

Price: $1.50

Come on! Let's get this started!

So. I've been fooling around with crocheting since last summer. I thought it would be something fun to learn how to do...I honestly didn't think I'd keep up with it. See, I have a long track record of starting things--but never completing them. I'm really just not a patient person.

But, crocheting! It holds my interest. I can do it while watching TV, I can bring it with me on the go, I can do it while I'm listening to my husband talk about his new fishing adventure. IT'S SO AWESOME.

It gets even better, though. After posting a few a pictures on Facebook of the different things that I've made...people are now asking to buy my creations! I thought about creating an Etsy store, but then I became frustrated with all of the fees I would have to pay to sell my little yarn wonders. I mean, it's not fair to the buyers, because inevitably I would have to raise prices to compensate for the fees that I have to pay.

My brain worked furiously, Should I create a Facebook business page? Should I create an Etsy store anyway? WHAT SHOULD I DO?! Then it dawned on me. I can make (another) blog! [Scarily enough, I think that everyone wants to know what I'm thinking. I have a Livejournal plus three Wordpress blogs.] I decided to use Blogger to set up my "store" of sorts.

Welcome, dear readers, to Robtastical Creations!

For orders, please contact me either through comments or email!